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<h1 class="page-title">What is Title IX and how to report it?</h1>
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<p>Your health, safety, and well-being are the College's primary concern. If you or someone you know may be the victim of any form of sexual misconduct, you are strongly urged to seek immediate assistance. Assistance is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.</p>
<p><strong>USG Title IX Investigator Training - Middle GA State University July 2024</strong></p>
<p><strong>USG Title IX Training 2023 -</strong><strong> University of Georgia  </strong><strong>May 25-26, 2023</strong></p>
<p><strong>Title IX Coordinator Training 2022</strong></p>
<p> <strong>Title IX Coordinator Training 2021</strong></p>
<p> <strong>Title IX Coordinator Training Fall 2020</strong></p>
<p><a href="https://www.gordonstate.edu/documents/departments/human-resources/title-ix/new-title-ix-coordinator-training-fall-2020-use.pdf">Shared Resources:documents/departments/human-resources/title-ix/new-title-ix-coordinator-training-fall-2020-use.pdf</a></p>
<h4>By phone:</h4>
<p>The information below is for reporting a Title-IX violation. If you need to report a sexual assault, dial 911 immediately. If you are unsure whether the incident is assault or harassment, please refer to our <a href="/student-life/title-ix/about/index#title-ix-definitions">Title-IX Program Information</a> page for definitions.</p>
<p>If you are in immediate crisis, CALL 911.</p>
<p>To report an on-campus sexual assault, call Gordon College Public Safety: <strong>678.359.5111</strong></p>
<p>Non-emergency Line: <strong>678.359.5101</strong></p>
<p>Lamar County or Barnesville City:<strong> 911</strong></p>
<h4>In person:</h4>
<p>To submit a report in-person, please the <a href="https://cm.maxient.com/reportingform.php?GordonStateCollege&layout_id=0">Title-IX Incident Report</a>, and bring it to the Title IX Coordinator located in Human Resources (bottom floor in Lambdin Hall).</p>
<p>The Title IX Coordinator is the designated College official with primary responsibility for coordinating the compliance with Title IX. This includes providing leadership for Title IX activities; providing consultation, education and training; and helps to ensure that Gordon State College responds appropriately, effectively and equitably to Title IX issues.</p>
<p><strong>Tonya Johnson, Title IX Coordinator</strong><br/>678-359-5011<br/><a href="mailto:wendyb1@gordonstate.edu">tonyaj@gordonstate.edu</a></p>
<p><strong>Dr. LaToya Stackhouse, Dean of Students/ Deputy Title IX Coordinator</strong><br/>678-359-5056<br/><a href="mailto:wendyb1@gordonstate.edu">latoyas@gordonstate.edu</a></p>
<h4>Submitting a complaint</h4>
<p><a href="https://cm.maxient.com/reportingform.php?GordonStateCollege&layout_id=0">Submit a Complaint Online</a></p>
<p>Gordon State College cannot fulfill its ethical commitment to create a harassment-free environment or its legal obligations to address harassment that occurs unless allegations and complaints are brought to the attention of an appropriate college official.</p>
<p>The Title IX Coordinator handles complaints against students, faculty and staff. Contact the Title IX Coordinator to arrange a meeting to discuss the complaint.</p>
<li>You are encouraged to write up a description of the incident or you can complete a Title IX Complaint Form. Remember, the more details that you can provide, the more helpful it will be for the investigator.</li>
<li>Gordon State may investigate and adjudicate complaints that occur on-campus and off-campus. In addition, Gordon State may handle complaints that occur at College activities or events.</li>
<li>Remember that sexual violence is a crime. Please consider reporting the incident that occurred to the Gordon State College Public Safety office if the assault occurred on campus, or to the local police department or agency if the assault occurred off-campus. You may wish to discuss your options with the Title IX Coordinator. A police report or complaint is not required to file a Title IX complaint.</li>
<li>Once a complaint is filed, the Title IX Coordinator is responsible for notifying the respondent(s) of the charge, conducting a timely investigation, and determining if there is a potential violation of the Sexual Misconduct Policy.</li>
<li>When you make a complaint, you will be asked to write down what you saw, heard, or experienced. Witnesses may be requested to meet with an investigator to provide witness statements. Remember that the person(s) named in the complaint, the respondent(s) will have a right to see what you write.</li>
<li>Complainants may bring a support person with them to meetings with the Title IX Coordinator.</li>
<p>Complaints against Gordon State College faculty or staff will be addressed by the Title IX Coordinator or a representative of the Human Resources office. You may also use the Ethics hotline to file a complaint, 1-877-516-3454, <a href="https://gdn.alertline.com/gcs/welcome">https://gdn.alertline.com/gcs/welcome</a></p>
<p>If you have concerns about any of the processes listed above or do not know where to go or with whom to speak, you may contact the Title IX Coordinator at 678-359-5571.</p>
<h4>Employee Requirements for Reporting Title IX/Sexual Misconduct Complaints</h4>
<p>Employees must promptly report Title IX/sexual misconduct complaints and reports of which they become aware. This means that if you are an employee and someone tells you that he or she has been sexually harassed, or if you are given or told about a sexual harassment complaint or report, you are obligated to bring this to the attention of the Title IX Coordinator or the College's Deputy Title IX Coordinator. Employees also must report promptly an incident or situation that a reasonable person would understand to be a violation of the sexual misconduct policy, whether they witness the incident or situation or become aware of it. This means that if you are an employee and you see someone sexually harassing another person, or you learn of a situation that constitutes sexual harassment or misconduct, you are obligated to bring this to the attention of an appropriate Gordon state College official.</p>
<h4>Student Requirements for Reporting Title IX/Sexual Misconduct Complaints</h4>
<p>Student Title IX complaints are handled by the Deputy Title IX Coordinator. Students may use the <a href="https://cm.maxient.com/reportingform.php?GordonStateCollege&layout_id=0">Incident Reporting Form</a>. </p>
<p>Title IX for students is outlined in the <a href="https://www.gordonstate.edu/documents/departments/student-affairs/student-code-of-conduct_august-20231.pdf">Student Code of Conduct</a>. </p>
<p><a href="https://www.gordonstate.edu/documents/departments/student-affairs/gsc-tix-reporting-basics1.pdf"><span>GSC TIX Reporting Basics</span></a></p>
<h4>Our Pledge</h4>
<p>Gordon State College staff, faculty, and anyone else employed by the college, must report any matters regarding sexual misconduct, assault, or harassment to the designated Title IX Coordinator.</p>
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<h3>Title IX Resources</h3>
<a href="https://www.gordonstate.edu/documents/departments/student-affairs/tix-hearing-officer-training-manual.pdf" title="Hearing Officer Training"> Hearing Officer Training</a>
<a href="https://www.gordonstate.edu/documents/departments/student-affairs/role-of-advisors.pdf" title="Role of the Advisor"> Role of the Advisor</a>
<a href="https://www.gordonstate.edu/documents/departments/student-affairs/gsc-tix-reporting-basics.pdf" title="Reporting Basics"> Reporting Basics</a>
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