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<h1 class="page-title">Net Tutor</h1>
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<p><center><img alt="" src="http://www.gordonstate.edu/pdf/NetTutor-Logo.png"/><span id="conduct"></span></center>
<h3><span id="what-is"> <em>What is NetTutor?</em> </span></h3>
<p id="what-is">NetTutor is a comprehensive online tutoring service offered in conjunction with Gordon State College. Tutoring is often available after regular business hours, on the weekends, as well as during holidays. Students are able to utilize this service (via Brightspace by D2L) to meet live with a tutor or to submit questions to the tutoring center offline (which are usually answered within 24 hours).</p>
<p> </p>
<h3><span id="who-can"> <em>How do I access NetTutor?</em> </span></h3>
<p>NetTutor is currently available (through Brightspace by D2L). Students may log into Brightspace by D2L here: <a href="https://gordonstate.view.usg.edu" rel="noopener" target="_blank"> https://gordonstate.view.usg.edu</a> using their Gordon email username (do not include @gordonstate.edu) and current Gordon email password.</p>
<p> </p>
<h3><em><span id="courses">What courses/subjects are available for Tutoring? What days/times is tutoring offered?</span> </em></h3>
<p>To access the tutoring schedule, students will need to click on the NetTutor link in D2L and then choose the "Tutor Schedule" icon in the top right corner of the screen.</p>
<p> </p>
<h3><em> <span id="sysreqs">Will NetTutor work with my computer?</span> </em></h3>
<p>NetTutor works with Windows and Macs, and on almost any browser. After students log in, a browser test will confirm that their computer is compatible with NetTutor. If anything is missing, the test will tell students where to find it. Students may try the browser test directly by visiting: <a href="http://www.html5test.com" rel="noopener" target="_blank">http://www.html5test.com </a></p>
<p> </p>
<h3><em> <span id="tech-support">What if I need technical help?</span> </em></h3>
<p>If students have any questions or technical difficulties, they may click the Customer Service Request link and fill out the form. There is a comprehensive online manual that includes an extensive frequently asked questions section. This can be located at: <a href="https://nanopdf.com/download/nettutor-user-manual_pdf">https://nanopdf.com/download/nettutor-user-manual_pdf</a></p>
<p> </p>
<h3><span id="locate"> <em>Where do I locate NetTutor?</em> </span></h3>
<li>Students should log into Brightspace by D2L at this link: <a href="https://gordonstate.view.usg.edu/" rel="noopener" target="_blank">https://gordonstate.view.usg.edu/</a>. Students should use their Gordon email username (excluding the @gordonstate.edu) and their current Gordon email password. If students need to reset their Gordon email password they can do so here: <a href="https://www2.gordonstate.edu/changepass/gdnreset.asp">https://www2.gordonstate.edu/changepass/gdnreset.asp</a></li>
<li>Students should choose the "NetTutor-Online Tutoring" link on the navigation bar.</li>
<p> </p>
<h3> <span id="how-to"><em>How do I chat live with a tutor?</em> </span></h3>
Students can chat live with a tutor using written or audio messages. Students can use the whiteboard to commuicate and collaborate with their tutor.
<li>Select "NetTutor- Online Tutoring" link from the navigation bar.</li>
<li>Select the subject area.</li>
<li>Select to "Meet with a Live Tutor" to be added into the queue.</li>
<li>Upon entering the tutoring session, use the chat on the right side of the screen or the tools on the whiteboard.</li>
<p> </p>
<h3><span id="conduct"> <em>What if I don't have time to meet live? How do I drop off a question and review the answer later?</em> </span></h3>
<p>Students can submit a question to a tutor and review the response later. It is very important that students are specific in their questions and description when asking questions. Remember that NetTutors do not know the context of the class. Please provide them with as much information as possible.</p>
<li>Select "NetTutor- Online Tutoring" link from the navigation bar.</li>
<li>Select the subject area.</li>
<li>Select to "Drop off a Question".</li>
<li>Type the question (giving as much detail as possible) and submit.</li>
<li>You will recieve an email to your Gordon account when the question has been answered.</li>
<li>To review the response, go back into NetTutor and choose the "Your NetTutor Locker" link to review the responses to your questions (as well as videos of your live tutoring sessions).</li>
<p> </p>
<h3><span id="whiteboard"> <em>How do I review a video of my live tutoring session?</em> </span></h3>
<p>Videos of the live tutoring sessions will be placed in the student's NetTutor locker.</p>
<li>Select "NetTutor- Online Tutoring" link from the navigation bar.</li>
<li>Select the subject area.</li>
<li>Select "Your NetTutor Locker" link to review videos of the tutoring sessions.</li>
<p> </p>
<h3><span id="paper-center"> <em>How do I submit a paper to the NetTutor Paper Center?</em> </span></h3>
<p>Students can submit a rough draft of their paper to the NetTutor Paper Center. Tutors will provide comments and feedback on the paper. Students can the review those comments and feedback via their "Live Writing Tutor and Paper Center Locker".</p>
<li>Select "NetTutor- Online Tutoring" link from the navigation bar.</li>
<li>Select "Live Writing Tutor and Paper Center"</li>
<li>Select to "Drop off a Paper" and upload the document.</li>
<li>Once the document has been reviewed by tutors, it can be accessed by choosing the "Live Writing Tutor and Paper Center" and then "Your Live Writing Tutor and Paper Center Locker"</li>
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